Saturday, May 31, 2008


I remember what an honest businesswoman told me back then, “All these people, they have a designer handbag and I love designer luggage. I use purple. The color is fantastic, it gives a kind of mystery, a coziness and sensuality and one more thing, so much time and work goes into making them. It's not about the technology, but what the technology can do for you.I want them to be cared for like a forest. My goal is to give a sense of security, of luxury, or being treated well generation after generation. Some day, I'd like to be known as the queen of designer luggage. My desire has always been to be the wealthiest leader of industry and change the world into something fantastic, this means best quality life and gorgeous display luggage. Actually, I didn't find it difficult to make them as China's fast- growing economy recycles raw materials and I found everyone respected the brand and what we've made. If I could change a feature I would introduce black luggage not that hot pink is any better, but I don’t thing going brighter will makes it one of the richest companies. The amazing prints of black sell the same compare to all brighter luggage. As a self-made designer, my company is now richer than virtually any other Italian company and challenging a handful of others in the world.


Donnatella Versace
Colman, D 2008, ‘Just a Few Favorite Indulgences ‘, New York Times, 23 March, accessed 5 May 2008, <>

Steve Jobs
Gallo, C 2006, How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs , BusinessWeek, accessed 5 May 2008, <>

Zhang Yin
Barboza, D 2007, ‘China's 'Queen of Trash' finds riches in waste paper’, International Herald Tribune, 15 January, accessed 5 May 2008, <>

Friday, May 16, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008




This part of the ramp's design was derived from my selected quote of Stephen Hawkins. This ramp environment represents virus spreading and destroying. Here the walls look like there are moving inwards and slowly will destroy the space.

This part of the ramp's design was derived from my selected quote of Florence Nightingale. This ramp environment represents action and shows movement in the structure.

The whole environment expresses my Electroliquid aggregation, where the building is taking actions in terms of changing spaces but is careful of a chaotic end result.



Sunday, May 4, 2008


Florence Nightingale

• You ask me why I do not write something.... I think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results.

Stephen Hawking

• I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.

My Electroliquid Aggregation

•We may express our thoughts in actions but we have to be careful what the result of those actions may conclude to.

Thursday, May 1, 2008