Monday, March 17, 2008


Drawing 1: Watery, Skeleton
Drawing 2:Watery, Eternal

Drawing 3: Watery, Climbing
Drawing 4: Clouded, Skeleton

Drawing 5: Clouded, Skeleton
Drawing 6: Clouded, Climbing

Drawing 7: Clouded, Eternal
Drawing 8: Face, Skeleton

Drawing 9: Face, Climbing
Drawing 10: Face, Eternal

Drawing 11: Watery, Climbing
Drawing 12: Climbing, Watery

Drawing 13: Skeleton, Watery
Drawing 14: Eternal, Watery

Drawing 15: Climbing, Clouded
Drawing 16: Eternal, Clouded

Drawing 17: Skeleton, Clouded
Drawing 18: Skeleton, Face

Drawing 19: Climbing, Face
Drawing 20: Eternal, Face

Monday, March 10, 2008


NOLAN: Face, Clouded, Watery

SWALLOW: Skeleton, Climbing, Eternal

PICCININI: Expression, Inquisitive, Frightened


I find the turtle a very beautiful and affectionate animal. It has detailed pattern and is absolutely a joy to stare at. Its uniqueness, other than popping into its shell, is to stretch like a ballet dancer with its arms and legs spread in the air and balancing its weight on its belly.


The Capital Complex, locally known as the Sangshad Bhaban is the parliament of Bangladesh. It was designed by Louis I Kahn. Since childhood, I have admired this building for the feeling of vastness of space that it gives. Its geometrical shapes inside, allow natural light to come in from different angles and its natural concrete finish allows it to blend with the surrounding. This building has been my inspiration to study architecture, not only because I find it aesthetically beautiful but also because it is very practical, functional and successfully used for its purpose.


I find this charcoal work one of the most interesting from all my works as the expression on the woman's face shows how a person becomes humble, helpless and tolerant as old age brings her closer to death. It's almost like she had thought of life to be completely different than it turned out to be and each wrinkle on her face represents her experiences of life.